Compost pile enriching garden soil with flowers

The Best Compost for Your Garden: Enrich Your Soil Naturally

Choosing the right compost for your garden can make a big difference in the health and growth of your plants. Compost is made from decomposed organic materials and is packed with nutrients that help improve soil structure, retain moisture, and support plant growth. In this article, we will explore some of the best compost options available for your garden, each with its own unique benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • Black Kow Organic Compost and Manure is an affordable and effective option for improving soil quality and plant growth.
  • Soil Blend Super Compost is a nutrient-rich choice that includes composted cow manure and organic worm castings, making it ideal for vegetables.
  • Dr. Earth Natural Choice Compost is versatile and can be used for flowers, vegetables, lawns, shrubs, and trees, thanks to its unique nutrient blend.
  • Composted Cow Manure is a traditional and reliable compost option that provides essential nutrients for a variety of plants.
  • Worm Castings are highly beneficial due to their rich nutrient content and ability to improve soil structure and fertility.

1. Black Kow Organic Compost and Manure

If you’re looking for an affordable and effective compost, Black Kow Organic Compost and Manure is a great choice. This compost is available at most local hardware stores, garden centers, and online, making it easy to find.

I used this compost on one of my gardens that had become too compact in the fall. After loosening up the soil where I could, I applied this compost generously throughout and added a thin layer of mulch on top. As the next spring rolled around, the flowers were doing significantly better than the previous year, and far more of my bulbs made it to bloom. Though I didn’t break the bank, I was extremely satisfied with the results.

For a bag labeled “manure,” I prepared myself for a smell, but I was pleasantly surprised by how little odor the compost had. Even after applying it liberally, it didn’t change the smell in the surrounding area (for which I was very grateful, because this particular garden was right by my front door).

Pros and Cons


  • Extra affordable
  • No unpleasant odor
  • Versatile


  • Inconsistent quality

The Black Kow manure is good healthy looking composted manure with no large sticks or other materials mixed in.

2. Soil Blend Super Compost

If you’re looking to increase your garden’s bounty this year, Soil Blend Super Compost is your best bet. This small but mighty bag is environmentally friendly and safe to have around kids and pets alike. It includes top-notch ingredients like composted cow manure and alfalfa with certified organic worm castings. It also uses Endo-Ecto Mycorrhizal Fungi to encourage root growth.

This particular compost is meant to be mixed with soil before use, so an 8-pound bag covers the same area as a 40-pound bag of compost typically would. While this has proved confusing for some gardeners and hindersome for others, for those who are up to the work, you’re sure to be pleased with the results.


  • Environmentally friendly
  • Includes earthworm castings
  • Ideal for vegetables


  • Mixing with soil recommended

3. Dr. Earth Natural Choice Compost

Dr. Earth Natural Choice Compost is a fantastic option for gardeners who want to see their flowers bloom beautifully. This compost is packed with nutrients from green-fed earthworm castings, valley-grown alfalfa meal, and cold water kelp meal. It’s one of the best well-rounded composts you can find.


  • Includes earthworm castings
  • Can double as mulch
  • Ideal for flowers


  • May contain wood chips or small rocks

If you’re looking for a compost that can help your garden thrive, Dr. Earth Natural Choice Compost is a top performer. It’s all about finding what works best for you and your garden’s needs.

4. Composted Cow Manure

Composted cow manure is a fantastic choice for enriching your garden soil. It’s packed with essential nutrients that plants love, making it a popular option among gardeners.

Benefits of Composted Cow Manure

  • Nutrient-Rich: This type of compost is loaded with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are crucial for plant growth.
  • Improves Soil Structure: It helps in improving the soil structure, making it more fertile and better at retaining moisture.
  • Weed Seed Neutralization: When composted at a temperature of 140℉, it can neutralize weed seeds, ensuring they don’t sprout in your garden.

How to Use Composted Cow Manure

  1. Preparation: Before adding it to your garden, make sure the compost is well-aged and fully decomposed to avoid burning your plants.
  2. Application: Spread a layer of composted cow manure over your garden bed and mix it into the top few inches of soil.
  3. Timing: The best time to apply is in the fall, giving it time to break down further and enrich the soil by spring.

Using composted cow manure is a wise choice for any home vegetable garden. It not only provides essential nutrients but also improves soil health over time.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Avoid Fresh Manure: Fresh cow manure can be too strong and may harm your plants. Always use composted manure.
  • Check for Weed Seeds: Ensure the composting process has neutralized any weed seeds to prevent unwanted growth in your garden.

5. Composted Chicken Manure

Composted chicken manure is a fantastic choice for enriching your garden soil. It’s packed with nutrients that plants love, making it one of the best options for composting. Chicken manure is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for plant growth.

Benefits of Composted Chicken Manure

  • Nutrient-Rich: Chicken manure provides a high concentration of nitrogen, which is crucial for leafy growth. It also contains phosphorus and potassium, supporting root development and overall plant health.
  • Improves Soil Structure: Adding chicken manure to your compost helps improve soil texture, making it more crumbly and easier for roots to penetrate.
  • Boosts Microbial Activity: The organic matter in chicken manure encourages beneficial microbial activity, which helps break down other compost materials more efficiently.

How to Use Composted Chicken Manure

  1. Mix with Other Compost Materials: Combine chicken manure with other compostable materials like leaves, straw, and kitchen scraps to balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. This ensures a well-rounded compost mix.
  2. Allow Time to Age: Fresh chicken manure can be too strong and may burn plants. Let it compost for at least 6 months to a year before using it in your garden.
  3. Apply to Garden Beds: Once fully composted, spread the chicken manure compost evenly over your garden beds. Work it into the top few inches of soil for best results.

Remember, composting chicken manure not only enriches your soil but also helps recycle waste, making it a sustainable choice for your garden.

Things to Avoid

  • Fresh Manure: Never use fresh chicken manure directly on plants as it can be too harsh and may damage them.
  • Over-Application: Too much chicken manure can lead to nutrient imbalances. Use it sparingly and mix well with other compost materials.

By following these tips, you can make the most out of composted chicken manure and enjoy a thriving, healthy garden.

6. Worm Castings

Worm castings, also known as vermicompost, are the nutrient-rich waste products produced by earthworms. They are a fantastic addition to any garden, providing a slow-release source of nutrients for your plants. Here’s how you can use them effectively:

  • Soil Amendment: Mix worm castings into your soil to improve its fertility, water-holding capacity, and structure. Simply spread a layer over the soil and work it into the top few inches before planting.
  • Top Dressing: Spread worm castings on top of the soil around established plants. This will provide a slow-release source of nutrients.
  • Fertilizer: Use worm castings as a natural fertilizer. They can be applied directly to the soil or mixed into compost or potting soil.

Discover the secret to the best garden soil – your plants will thank you!

7. Composted Alfalfa

Composted alfalfa is a fantastic addition to your garden. It’s rich in nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth. This type of compost is particularly beneficial for vegetable gardens and flower beds.

Benefits of Composted Alfalfa

  • Nutrient-Rich: Alfalfa is packed with nutrients that help improve soil health.
  • Weed Suppression: It helps in suppressing weeds, making your gardening tasks easier.
  • Moisture Retention: This compost retains moisture well, which is crucial for plant health.

How to Use Composted Alfalfa

  1. Mix with Soil: Blend it with your garden soil to enrich it with nutrients.
  2. Top Dressing: Use it as a top dressing for your plants to provide a nutrient boost.
  3. Mulch Alternative: It can also be used as a mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Composted alfalfa is a versatile and nutrient-rich option for any garden, making it easier to maintain healthy and thriving plants.

8. Composted Straw

Composted straw enriching garden soil naturally

Composted straw is a fantastic addition to your garden. It’s a type of brown matter that helps balance out the green matter in your compost pile. Straw decomposes slower than other organic materials, but as it breaks down, it releases valuable nutrients into the soil.

Benefits of Composted Straw

  • Nutrient Release: As straw rots, it releases nutrients, enriching your soil over time.
  • Improves Soil Structure: It helps improve soil structure, making it easier for roots to grow and for water to penetrate.
  • Weed Control: Using straw as mulch can help suppress weeds, reducing the need for chemical herbicides.

How to Use Composted Straw

  1. Mix with Green Matter: Combine straw with green matter like kitchen scraps or grass clippings to create a balanced compost pile.
  2. Layering: Use straw as a top layer in your compost bin to help with aeration and moisture retention.
  3. Mulching: Apply a layer of straw mulch around your plants to help retain moisture and keep the soil cool.

Composted straw is a versatile and natural way to boost your garden’s health. It’s easy to use and provides long-lasting benefits.

Tips for Best Results

  • Chop It Up: Smaller pieces of straw compost faster, so consider chopping it up before adding it to your pile.
  • Monitor Moisture: Keep an eye on the moisture level in your compost pile. Straw can dry out quickly, so you may need to add water occasionally.
  • Turn Regularly: Turn your compost pile regularly to ensure even decomposition and to speed up the composting process.

9. Composted Leaves

Composted leaves enriching garden soil with blooming flowers

Composted leaves are a fantastic way to enrich your garden soil naturally. They are easy to gather, especially in the fall, and they break down into a rich, dark compost that plants love. Leaves are considered brown matter in composting, which means they are high in carbon. This makes them a great balance to green matter, which is high in nitrogen.

Benefits of Composted Leaves

  • Nutrient-Rich: Composted leaves provide essential nutrients that help plants grow strong and healthy.
  • Improves Soil Structure: Adding composted leaves to your garden soil improves its structure, making it more loamy and better for plant roots.
  • Moisture Retention: The compost helps the soil retain moisture, which is crucial for plant health.

How to Compost Leaves

  1. Collect Leaves: Gather leaves in the fall when they are abundant. You can use a rake or a leaf blower to make the job easier.
  2. Shred Leaves: Shredding the leaves helps them break down faster. You can use a lawnmower or a leaf shredder for this step.
  3. Mix with Green Matter: To speed up the composting process, mix the shredded leaves with green matter like grass clippings or kitchen scraps.
  4. Turn the Pile: Turn your compost pile regularly to provide air and help the leaves decompose more quickly.
  5. Monitor Moisture: Keep the compost pile moist but not too wet. If it gets too dry, add some water.

Using composted leaves is a simple and effective way to improve your garden soil. It’s a natural method that not only recycles yard waste but also provides your plants with the nutrients they need to thrive.

10. Composted Grass Clippings

Composted grass clippings are a fantastic way to enrich your garden soil. They are easy to come by and can be a great addition to your compost pile. Grass clippings are considered green matter, which means they are rich in nitrogen. This makes them an excellent complement to brown matter like straw or leaves.

When adding grass clippings to your compost, it’s important to mix them well with other materials. This helps to prevent the pile from becoming too compacted and ensures proper airflow. If your compost pile starts to smell, it might be a sign that you need to add more brown matter to balance it out.

Here are some tips for using grass clippings in your compost:

  • Chop them up: Smaller pieces break down faster.
  • Mix with brown matter: This helps to balance the nitrogen and carbon ratio.
  • Turn the pile regularly: This ensures proper aeration and speeds up the composting process.

Using grass clippings in your compost is a simple and effective way to boost your garden’s health. Just remember to keep an eye on the balance of green and brown matter to avoid any issues.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating rich, nutrient-dense compost for your garden.

Grass clippings can be turned into compost, which is great for your garden. It’s an easy way to recycle and help your plants grow better. Want to learn more about composting grass clippings? Visit our website for tips and tricks!


In the end, the best compost for your garden is one that fits your needs and helps your plants thrive. Whether you choose to make your own compost or buy it from a store, the key is to ensure it’s rich in nutrients and well-balanced. Composting is a natural way to give back to the earth and create a healthy growing environment for your plants. So, roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and watch your garden flourish with the power of compost. Happy gardening!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best compost for a garden?

The best compost for a garden is one that is rich in nutrients, dark brown or black, and has a crumbly texture. It should be made from a mix of green materials (like vegetable scraps) and brown materials (like leaves).

Can I use compost as mulch?

Yes, you can use compost as mulch. Spread a 2-3 inch layer around the base of plants to help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weeds.

How often should I add compost to my garden?

It’s best to add compost to your garden once a year, either in the fall or early spring. This helps improve soil structure and adds essential nutrients for plant growth.

Is compost safe to use around kids and pets?

Most composts are safe to use around kids and pets, especially if they are made from organic materials. Always check the label to be sure.

Can I make my own compost at home?

Yes, you can make your own compost at home using kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials. Just make sure to balance green and brown materials and turn the pile regularly to help it decompose.

What should I avoid putting in my compost?

Avoid putting meat, dairy, diseased plants, and pet waste in your compost. These items can attract pests and create bad odors.