10 Herbs to Grow Just in a Jar with Water

I know that sometimes, our dilemma in gardening is the type of container and growing medium where to grow our plants. But today, you are really lucky! Because in this article, I will discuss ten. Yes, you heard that right! Ten herbs that you can grow by just using water and a jar!

So what are we waiting for? Let us start!


To grow oregano in water, start with a four to six-inch-long clipping from a mature oregano plant. Just below a leaf node, make your cut (the place where leaves grow from the stem). Remove all of the leaves from the lowest two inches or so of each cutting.

Put the cuttings in a jar with an inch or two of room temperature water within it as soon as possible.


Cilantro cuttings must be removed before the host plant blossoms in order for the plant to maintain its characteristic cilantro flavor. Remove the cuttings’ bottom leaves and set them in a glass jar filled with water. Move the rooted cutting into a container of soil and place it in a bright area after the roots have grown long enough. Before harvesting, allot two months for growth.

Lemon Balm

In the spring or fall, take cuttings from a mature lemon balm plant and set them in a jar of water. Place the jar in a warm area with lots of sunlight. Allow three to four weeks for your lemon balm cuttings to grow roots and replace the water every other day. Move the roots into pots once they have grown long enough to embed themselves in the soil.


Amazingly, they are really easy to grow in water! Simply insert basil stem cuttings with leaf nodes in a container filled with water and place it in a well-lit spot.

Replace the water in the container every few days, and make sure it receives enough sunshine where you put it. Move the roots into pots or into the garden after they reach a length of around two inches.


The part where to cut will also be the same as the previous herbs. Place your cutting in a container of fresh water as soon as possible after taking it, and locate a warm area for it to develop where it will get lots of sun. However, stay away from places where the sun shines brightly in the afternoon. Every other day, replace the water in the container with fresh liquid.


Peppermint is also easy to root in water and will thrive in the absence of soil. Cut your peppermint cuttings right below a node from a happy, healthy peppermint plant (where leaves emerge from the stem). With the exception of the leaves at the very top, remove all of the leaves. Place the cuttings in a container with approximately an inch of water inside right away. Change the water for your peppermint cutting every two days or so, and place it in a warm area with lots of sunlight.


This member of the onion family is very easy to cultivate and may be used in a variety of recipes. For optimum success, make sure this herb has plenty of water and sunlight. For sustained harvest, consider adding hydroponic fertilizers to the water to give your herbs a nutritional boost.


Take cuttings from a thyme plant between the middle of spring and the beginning of summer to reproduce and grow it in water. After taking the cutting, strip the lowest half of the leaves and immerse them in a jar of water right away. Mist the area of your clippings that remains above the water’s surface using a spray bottle. Every two days, change the water in your container. Cut the tip of the stem when you realize your thyme cuttings are sprouting roots and by doing this you also stimulate the new plant to produce branches.


The cutting for rosemary must be 2 to 3 inches long.Each cutting should have the leaves removed from the lowest two to three inches. Place the cuttings in a container with some water and the optimum lighting is partial sunshine. Every two days or so, replace the water in the container with a fresh batch of room temperature water.


In the spring, pick three to four inch long cuttings from a healthy sage plant. Place the clippings cut end down in a jar of fresh water. Find a location for the sage cuttings to grow that has lots of air (to avoid mildew) and plenty of sunlight. Every other day, make sure to replenish the water in the container.

So there you have it! Ten herbs that you can grow just in a jar with water.

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